Thank you for your interest in our VA tasks list. That document contains a lot of the work we have our VAs doing.
We understand that not everyone wants us to hire them a VA. We know that some people want to do it themselves. Maybe you do too.
We can still help.
If you want to hire one yourself, or maybe you need help training your internal admin people, our employee training manual can help.
We have created step-by-step instructions on how we do every one of those tasks in that PDF we just sent you. Maybe you know how to do it all but don't have the time to put it all on paper, or maybe this is all new to you and you want to learn for yourself or teach your internal people those tasks.
We can help!
Get your employee handbook and training manual.
If you want to hire your own assistant, whether it's in your office or virtually, we can help with the training. Depending on what tasks you want them to do, we have training manuals with step by step instructions on how to do those tasks.
Now you have access to that information also!
For only $99, you can have access to our behind-the-scenes training manuals that you can use in your own office!
Let us save you time and money.
Download this training guide and employee handbook.
The work has already been done so you don't have to:
Use the same training manuals we use in our office and with our VAs.
Don't Forget! We need your most up to date email address so we can deliver your training manual.
If you decide you want to hire additional VA's, you'll pay the initial fee again and the additional hourly rate.
This applies to every additional VA you decide to hire.
When you initially start, you'll specify the hours you are hiring for. If you need to change the hours, we'll need at least a 2 weeks notice.
If you are adding new tasks to your VA, remmeber they may need to be trained first, make sure you ask us or them if what youre asking of them is something they already know, or if they need additional training.
We will do it all.
From training, to monitoring, to payroll - we have it all handled.
Just communicate what you need and we'll do the rest.
There is no contract and you can cancel at anytime...
However, starting one week then stopping the next and using this service with no consistency would not work.
You would not be able to put this program on "pause."
Imagine from the VA's perspective, one day they have work and one day they don't, put yourself in their shoes - would you apply for a job like that?
It would be almost impossible to keep anyone employed.
There would also be an additional startup fee if you choose to restart the program.